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Huntley Meadows trip

Yesterday I went to a local marsh known as Huntley Meadows. I saw a lot of interesting birds this time, including Green-winged Teals, which I finally got a good view of.

There were lots of Red-winged Blackbirds at the park. There were also some rare Rusty Blackbirds, but I didn't get great pictures.

This Wood Duck is sitting on a nest box, so he may actually be nesting there.

American coots - these were right next to the boardwalk.

This muskrat went in and around a beaver dam, and was also swimming by the marsh grass. He climbed this tree and started chewing the sticks on it. Another muskrat showed up, and they swam around together for a while.

Pied-billed Grebe - See his bill? It's almost shaped like a finch bill, but it's larger.

Osprey. This one was hovering a lot.

There are three bird species here. Can you identify them?

Northern Shoveler. You can really see how long his bill is.

This was my favorite bird of the day. These two birds are Green-winged Teals. On the female, you can see the green on the wing.

Pileated Woodpecker foraging on the ground.

So that's it! It was a very exciting day, with 26 species and hundreds of individual birds. I don't have a birding club trip for a while, so I had to go birding without them.

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