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Huntley Meadows Bird Trip

Yesterday, I went to Huntley meadows with my bird club to look for migratory birds. Here is what we found:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak - It was amazing. He ate from the feeder for a while.

Hooded Merganser. This one didn't have any chicks. We hope it wasn't the same one who had twelve chicks a few weeks ago. Snapping turtles will eat Merganser chicks.

Immature Bald Eagle

Green Heron

Solitary Sandpiper - We got great views.

Goose nest - On a Beaver dam!

Least Sandpipers - Very tiny.

After we saw those birds, we headed to another region of Huntley Meadows. We heard a Barred Owl call "Who cooks for you?" and a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Then we started heading home and saw these last birds.

Spotted Sandpiper and turtle

Yellow Warbler - This was our fiftieth species. We had 56 by the end.

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